Over the past 10 years, there have been several changes to the national immunisation policy (delivered as Section 7a immunisation programme). The year 2013/14 introduced three new vaccination programme (oral rotavirus, intranasal influenza and shingles vaccine).
This was followed by pertussis vaccination for pregnant women; HPV for men who have sex with men (MSM); Men B vaccination in the routine childhood immunisation schedule; universal HPV; and COVID vaccination. Not forgetting the changes in doses to the PCV schedule, HPV schedule and the swapping out of Men C vaccination with Men ACWY for adolescents.
This year the live shingles vaccine Zostavax was replaced by the inactivated two-dose Shingrix in the adult programme. In 2022, the Joint Committee of Vaccinations and Immunisations (JCVI) issued an interim statement on the discontinuation of Hib/Men C vaccine and recommending that MMR second dose is given at 18 months rather than with the preschool booster to improve coverage.1
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