PCN Live, the leading educational event for primary care nurses organised by Practice Nursing and Independent Nurse, saw more than 1000 nurses join the virtual event as it went online for the first time

PCN Live, the leading educational event for primary care nurses organised by Practice Nursing and Independent Nurse, saw more than 1000 nurses join the virtual event as it went online for the first time.
The five day virtual conference was attended by 1267 nurses in total, with 760 out of 761 saying that they would recommend the conference to their colleagues.
Each day was featured several speakers discussing topics crucial to fulfilling CPD requirements. These sessions are all online and free to view.
- Inhaler technique – improving adherence, and demonstrations of good and poor technique by Darush Attar-Zadeh, Respiratory Lead Pharmacist, Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group
- Evolving developments in the management of asthma by Professor Dave Singh, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Respiratory Medicine, University of Manchester
- Concordance with asthma treatment by Heather Henry, Nurse Entrepreneur, BreathChamps CIC & Brightness Management Limited
- Diagnosis of COPD: when is spirometry needed? and How to conduct a patient-focused COPD review by Anne Rodman, Independent Respiratory Nurse Consultant, Rotherham Respiratory
- Supporting people with diabetes to self-manage their condition by Dr Anne Phillips, Associate Professor in Diabetes Care, National Teaching Fellow & Queens Nurse, Birmingham City University
- Being Injection Site Aware in patients injecting insulin: Managing Lipohypertrophy (Lipo) in clinical practice by Beth Kelly, Diabetes Specialist Nurse , Solent NHS Trust and Amanda Epps, Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Medway NHS Foundation Trust
- Good nutrition for older adults by Emily Stuart, HCPC Registered Dietitian, Wiltshire Farm Foods
- Get Real! Tackling Nutritional Misconceptions about Plant-Based Diets by Heather Russell, Dietitian, The Vegan Society and Dr Sarah Bath RD, Lecturer, Public Health Nutrition at the University of Surrey
- Iodine by Dr Sarah Bath RD, Lecturer, Public Health Nutrition at the University of Surrey and Dr Mariana Dineva, Research Fellow in Nutritional Sciences, University of Surrey
Wound Care and Tissue Viability
- Latest Innovations in Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) for Lymphodema and Wound Care Management by Dr Melanie Thomas, National Clinical Lead and Director, Lymphoedema Network Wales and Hayley Turner-Dobbin, Clinical Delivery Lead, Wound Research and Development, Accelerate
- Venous Leg Ulcers: Assessing and Managing the Whole of the Lower Limb by Janine Davies, Clinical Specialist for Wound Care, Evolan Pharma