The professional section in each magazine is the most varied in topic but always with the aim to enhance a nurses day to day practice. Whether it is an example of good practice in a clinical area, a skill that a nurse can apply to her role or an interesting article on nursing history, each article is written specifically for nurses in primary care.
A model for nurse-led care
IN was invited to attend the new premises of Cuckoo Lane, one of the only practices run by nurses in England. The managers told us how it all began and how the practice has gone from strength to strength in the last 10 years and how it will continue to grow in the future.
From problem to solution: managing a caseload analysis tool
Managing the district nursing workforce can be complex as caseload numbers are often invisible to managers. An electronic caseload analysis tool used in Northern Ireland helped managers to allocate caseloads to nurses and ensure that they were not overloaded.
Nursing in the First World War
In the centenary of the First World War, IN featured a number of articles about the role of nurses during this important historical event. The running theme in each of teh articles was the desire to overturn the stereotypes of nurses that are often portrayed in popular culture. Instead there has been a drive to highlight the important clinical work carried out by nurses and how this helped to advance the profession once the war ended.
Social media: unlocking the potential
Social media can often be daunting if little is known about it. Teresa Chinn, the founder of @WeNurses, breaks down how nurses can use social media to their advantage by connecting with other nurses, learning about new clinical topics and exchanging examples of best practice. She also explains how easy it is for nurses who have never used social media before to sign up to the different platforms.
Championing care in practice
Care Makers are ambassadors for compassionate care and are part of the 6Cs programme created by Jane Cummings. One Care Maker describes the role and how it has helped her to work more compassionately daily. The Care Makers initiative was inspired by the Game Makers of the 2012 Olympics.